A Leader’s Guide to Master the Art of Decision Making

Decision making for leaders by Saloni Singh

Few years ago, I worked with a leader, let’s call him Raj, who excelled in many areas of his life. Yet, when it came to making important decisions, he often found himself stuck in analysis paralysis. He would weigh every possible outcome, analyze each scenario meticulously, and still feel uncertain.


Saloni, he confided, I know I’m capable, but why do I struggle so much when it comes to decision-making? I just keep thinking and overthinking.


This was a pivotal moment in Raj’s journey. Together, we explored the deeper subtle aspects of decision-making, moving beyond logical reasoning, and tapping into intuition and heart-centred choices.


What Raj discovered through this process transformed not only how he made decisions but also how he led his life and business.


The Limitation of Logic

As leaders, we are often trained to rely heavily on our analytical minds. We consider the facts, crunch the numbers, and approach decisions with logic and reason. While these skills are essential, they represent just one dimension of our decision-making process. Raj, like many other leaders, had been relying solely on this logical approach, which left him feeling disconnected from his deeper wisdom.


The truth is, that the most profound decisions often come from a place beyond the mind. They emerge from our heart, our intuition—the parts of us that are connected to a greater intelligence.


Even science has shown that the heart has its own kind of intelligence, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions in ways that our minds cannot.


Connecting with the Heart and Intuition

So, how can a leader like Raj, or perhaps even you, begin to tap into this higher intelligence?


It starts with cultivating a calm, quiet mind—one that allows you to hear the subtle whispers of your heart and intuition.


For Raj, this meant incorporating practices like mindfulness, stillness and meditation into his daily routine. By slowing down and becoming more present, he was able to connect with his inner self on a much deeper level. The noise of his mind started to quieten a lot, and clarity started to emerge. With this, his confidence in decision-making naturally evolved hugely.


Practical Steps for Leaders

Here are some steps that can help you, as a leader, to master the art of decision-making by connecting with your heart and intuition:


  1. Mindfulness Practice: Begin with daily mindfulness exercises that help quiet the mind. This could be as simple as five minutes of deep conscious breathing or a short meditation.

  2. Emotional Awareness: Pay attention to your emotions, just witness, without judging them.

    They act as signals in clarifying which thoughts are helpful and which are not, and become powerful guides in decision-making, often revealing truths that the mind alone cannot see.

  3. Align with Values: Regularly reflect on your core values and principles in life, to ensure that your decisions are in alignment with them.

    This alignment brings a sense of peace and certainty that you are on the right path.

  4. Trust your intuition: Start trusting your gut feelings. When a decision feels right at a deep level, it usually is. Learn to distinguish between true intuition and fear-based reactions.

  5. Create Space: Before making significant decisions, create space for stillness. Take a walk, meditate, or simply sit in silence to allow your inner wisdom to emerge.

The Transformation

As Raj began to implement these practices, along with coaching, he noticed a significant shift. Decisions that once felt overwhelming became clearer and more aligned with his true self. He no longer second-guessed himself because he knew that his decisions were coming from a place of deep inner knowing.


He began to lead with a newfound confidence—one that inspired his team and brought a sense of calm and direction to his business. The art of decision-making became less about what he “should” do and more about what felt right in his heart.


Embrace the Journey

Mastering the art of decision-making is a journey, one that invites you to explore the deeper dimensions of your being. It’s about moving beyond the confines of the mind and embracing the wisdom of your heart and intuition.


If you’re a leader looking to elevate your decision-making process and lead with greater clarity and confidence, let’s connect. Together, we can explore how to align your decisions with your highest self, creating not just success in business, but profound growth in all areas of your life.


For personalized coaching feel free to reach out to me at coachsalonisingh@gmail.com.

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