Teenage: the most crucial and challenging time of childhood. The hormones create a havoc in your child’s mind and body, their thoughts make lot of noise and the teens just want to fit in while maintaining their individuality.
This is also a challenging time for the parents as they might have to deal with a moody child with lots of demands and sometimes indifferent behaviour.
So how to make sure you keep your sanity and provide your best support to your teen.
First of all, pay attention to the changes your teen is going through and be empathic and compassionate to her/his thinking and behaviour.
You will understand them better and always take best action from the place of compassion and not from the place of expectation. Here are some DO’s and DON”Ts as a parent of teenager to follow…
Inspite of being careful with the way you communicate and relate, your teenager might talk back or show rebellious behaviour to any requests or expectations you have.
Keep your expectations in check and learn what to do when your teenager talks back.
Once you establish a deep bond of trust and understanding with your teen, they can be your best friends and sail through this time beautifully…
Happy Parenting your teen! Share your experiences and ask if you have any question.
Much Love.