Our deepest hunger is of connection with our spirit, our source, our essence, with life.
It’s not to achieve success, accolades or external accomplishments.
It is to deeply feel our hearts, our spirit.
To dance with all of life.
If wonder How?
Start with emptying yourself!
In order to fill ourselves with connection with our spirit, we first must empty ourselves of the noise of our minds, our fears, anxieties, our insecurities and conditioning…
How do I empty?
You might ask.
By tapping into the empty space in stillness, in solitude, in connecting deeply with ourselves in that silence.
Start with just few minutes every morning, afternoon and night.
Deeply connect with the person or task in front of you, only one thing at a time.
Feel the connection, drop the distractions.
As you become one with yourself, with other, with life… you’ll know source is always waiting for you to come home, to this connection.
Much Love!