You are a modern woman; strong, powerful, independent, capable to take on any challenges that might come your way. You are ready to take on everything and deal with it all by yourself.
That’s all very good and amazing. You’re confident, and yet spiritual. When you came into the creation, you were in perfect balance of both feminine and masculine energies…”Yin and Yang”. You knew that the very essence of you is feminine…and there is amazing grace in that feminine divine being. You knew there is ultimate peace and power in the balance of yin and yang; afterall universe loves balance.
So how do you know whether you are tapping more into your feminine or masculine energy? Let’s go through the essence and traits of feminine energy (as described in different scriptures)…
Here’s what feminine energy is:
- Being
- Creative
- Thriving
- Beauty
- Nurturing
- Emotionally Strong (Right Brain)
- Receptive
- Intuitive
- Soft yet courageous
- Patient
- Allowing
- Surrender
And what Feminine energy is not:
- Demanding
- Needy
- just surviving
- Lacking
- fearful
- Aggressive
- Weak
- Thrusting
- Rushing
- too logical
- hard
- Controlling
You might have noticed that sometimes you tend to forget your awesomeness, the powerful feminine energy…the very essence of your core. You adapt new ways, in order to survive, you attain and tap into your masculine energy. That might seem like the need of that hour or moment. Because you haven’t tapped into the power of feminine goddess… feminine doesn’t work to survive, her instinct is to thrive.
Feminine Goddess works from place of abundance, her cup is full and overflowing…there’s no lack or need of anything. All her needs are already met, she’s whole, complete & fulfilled.
Have you ever wondered if you could do, what all you have done (and you have done great) by adapting masculine (mostly subconsciously), what would you do if you tap into your true feminine power?
The reality is when you tap into your true power…the power of feminine goddess…you are pure bliss!
You are a source of abundant love, joy, amazing grace and balance. You are that divine spark which can light up every living and non-living entity around. You have the power and creativity of the divine…hence you are the creator…
Today I invite you to take a deep breath and dive into your feminine energy…and rise into the power of love, compassion, creation, nurture and being….
Much love to you, feminine Goddess <3
This blog is especially for all awesome female leaders whom I passionately coach on how to tap into their feminine energy and create an inner balance between feminine and masculine to lead a fulfilling life.