Let Your Inner LIght Shine!

Your light…your true essence….your being is the divine being. At the core of your heart, you too believe that you’re that divine light, which can’t be destroyed or damaged by any rough challenge or experience you go through.


Then what stops this light to shine bright always…why it becomes dim rather disappears many times. the truth is your light is like sunlight which is always there. Though get clouded many times…by the clouds of thoughts and emotions.


To let your inner light shine, It is important and crucial to make this distinction first –


You’re not your emotion or your thoughts / mind.  You are a forever shining divine light and the basic nature of this light is wholeness, bliss, peace and abundance.


So whenever you’re feeling anything but peace and bliss, you’re not being yourself…you might be being your mind (thoughts) or your emotions (feelings) and identifying yourself with them.


In this era of information overload, we have been told and taught so many things except one, that we do not need to believe every single thought or feeling that our mind thinks or our body feels.


Every time you feel bad, restless, angry or anything except good, you have a thought that seems so true to you. And you have not challenged or questioned that thought at all or enough.


Please don’t believe me but try it yourself – think of a thing that can upset you or make you angry and then notice the thought behind it.


For example, if your partner is not helping you to organise the Diwali party, the thought you might find behind it, is – ‘He/She is not caring.’ Now question – what if you do not believe that thought? What if you choose to feel perfectly cool about whatever the situation is?


Now if you’re wondering- can I do this? Am I allowed to do this?  You’re on the right track. Check, whose permission do you need to challenge your thoughts. Nobody but yourself. You can choose to keep on believing the thoughts that make you feel bad, because you’re so sure they are true. Or you can question yourself – how do I feel when I have this thought? Do I feel peace and divine bliss or do I feel restless and victimised.


If a thought does not make you feel deeply blissful and at peace; that is a good enough reason to question your thought?


An unquestioned thought and an unquestioned life is like sleeping while being awake. You can stay in illusion by making yourself happy with comforts and material things until one day, you realise that it does not bring true happiness.


Some might never wake up to the truth and experience how wonderful it could be, to awaken yourself and taste the joy of true freedom…freedom from false beliefs & thoughts, from illusion of emotions…


Though some of you will strive for igniting this inner light and dive deep into the divine bliss and become free!

Once you realise that your joy and peace has nothing to do with your outer situations, the people and events in your life, You are free!

Your light shines through you and you share it with everyone who comes in your contact. You’re in paradise and experience the joy of relationships. You dance in ecstasy with the music of life!

Let your inner light shine and see the divine within; you shall be surprised how beautiful it is!


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