Levels of Consciousness and How they Drive Your Life & Business Growth

Levels of Consciousness - Saloni Singh

Gone are the days when humans operated from Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest!

Who wants to merely survive, when we could thrive as humans?

It’s an era of – “Thrival of The Evolved.”

As human beings came into existence, the basic level of consciousness was all about survival.

To survive, we needed air, water, food and shelter to keep ourselves alive, safety and security to maintain our survival.

Once we felt safe and secure and our basic survival needs were met, the higher evolution to the Thrival level of Consciousness began.


So “What is Consciousness?*

Consciousness is pure awareness, in which you perceive your reality.

Your Consciousness is made of content. And the content of Your consciousness creates “Your reality.”

This content is the tapestry of your thoughts, feelings, values, actions and inactions. They come from societal conditioning, education, beliefs, attachment to things, preferences, identification with name, status or designation.

Our Quality of life, relationships, Abundance and prosperity in Business is directly linked to our level of consciousness.


Before we go ahead and learn how to move up the ladder of Consciousness, let’s understand the different levels of consciousness.

(This model of consciousness is derived from Vedanta Philosophy and teachings of Author Peter sage)


Survival Consciousness – two levels.


Stage 1 – Ignorant (Unaware) Consciousness: Life is all about survival.


Just like animal consciousness, at this level there’s little or no awareness. There’s ignorance about intellectual and spiritual growth, purpose and meaning of life.

There’s struggle for even meeting the basic survival needs, hence focus is on the essential need, to keep themselves alive.


Life Mantra at this level –

I am here to survive.

Stage 2 – Victim Consciousness: Life is happening ‘To me’.


At this level, people want to grow, change and thrive but they are trapped in their mind’s conditioning.

They are stuck in victim stories and blame game – either blaming others, life or themselves for their life situations.

There’s little hope, optimism and courage, and more doubts, fears and judgements.


Common thoughts are like –

I am in this situation because of my family.

I’m not able to earn because  of the economy.

I am not good enough, smart or lucky enough to prosper in life.

Others are better than me.


Life Mantra at this level –

I want to thrive but I struggle.

Thrival Consciousness has three levels.

It begins with realising one’s own power and seeing the light, by becoming aware that there’s more to life than just surviving.


Level 3. Creator Consciousness – Life is happening by me.


The first level of Thriving begins with the realisation that “I am the creator of my reality.”

People start to take responsibility of their life, drop victim mentality and believe that they have the power to change their life.

It is a state of ownership and empowerment, where one choose how to react to the outside forces and challenges.

This is a huge leap in one’s consciousness and the personal development industry is based upon helping people make a shift from “Victim to Creator Consciousness”.


If you’ve read The Secret by Rhonda Bryne or any other self-help book about changing your thoughts, beliefs and training you mind, you know what I’m talking about.
Set Goals and work to achieve them.


Life Mantra at this level.


I am here to thrive and I can make that happen.

Here are some important shifts that people make to move from victim to creator consciousness –


*Letting go blame, guilt, shame

*Taking full responsibility of their life, growth and happiness.

*Becoming positive and optimistic

*Healing childhood and past traumas


The down side of this level of consciousness is constant stress, overwhelm, anxiety.

Even though it can bring huge success, it may lead to burnout, unhappiness and feeling of emptiness too – a by-product of Hustle culture.


Level 4. Channel Consciousness: Life is happening through me.


A deep realisation moves one up the thrival level – ‘I am the channel or instrument through which universe is expressing itself.’

Life is always guiding and supporting me towards deep fulfilment.

This usually starts with being fully present in the moment, enjoying the process without worrying or getting attached to the outcome.

This is a state of being “Flow”, where one slows down and tune to the rhythm and flow of life, the unnecessary stress and overwhelm dissolves and abundance starts to flow in.

It involves higher growth at heart and spirit level, connecting with the stillness within.

One starts to thrive with ease and grace, without Hustle.

The powerful shifts that happen in an individual to help them vibrate at Through me Consciousness are – 


*Letting go of control

*Dropping judgements for self and others

*Vibrating with the frequency of unconditional love and gratitude

*Forgiveness and deep compassion for self and others

*Complete trust and surrender to life


Most of the spiritual teachings, meditation practices, mindfulness and somatic healing practices support this shift by helping people drop from their mind to their heart, body and spirit.


Life Mantra at this level –


I naturally thrive and tap into the abundance of the universe.

Level 5 – Absolute Consciousness: As Me


Also know as Divine / Love / oneness Consciousness


“As human beings awaken into mind and heart and become one with the universal consciousness, all separation and duality vanishes.

There’s complete embodiment of oneness with all that is. No Separation. No illusion. No Ego.


Life Mantra at this level –


I Am Abundance. I am The Universe. I Am One with Life.

As per Vedic writings absolute consciousness is what soul carries along after death.

It’s nature is described as “Sat-Chit-Ananda”

Sat – Absolute Truth or Existence
Chit – Pure Divine Consciousness
Ananda – State of pure bliss

Like a pendulum, we keep moving from one level of consciousness to other level (up or down) many times throughout the day, depending upon the stages of our inner growth and the life situations we are in.

Read How to navigate and move up in this ladder of Consciousness here ->


We face and grow through our life challenges as per our level of consciousness.

No matter how high is our level of growth, we keep faltering time to time to lower levels when tough situations appear. That only serves us in advancing in our evolution journey.


The  more awareness and presence we have, the more we stay in the energy of higher level of consciousness and experience tremendous growth, peace and fulfilment in life, business and relationship.


Have you observed your state of being and consciousness?

Where do you find yourself most of the times?

What helps you stay in state of love, trust and active surrender?


Share with me, I’d love to hear your experience and any questions you might have on this topic.


To Shift in Consciousness!


Saloni xoxo

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