How to celebrate who you are!

When was the last time you celebrated yourself as a human being?


How many times do you find yourself criticizing and condemning you, saying things like….


I am not good enough.

Not good enough as a professional.

Not good enough as a mom, as a dad, as a daughter/son.

I wish I was more patient with my children.
I screamed again at my kids. I am so short-tempered.
What’s wrong with me?

Feeling bad that you’re not spending enough time with your family?

Do you ever tell yourself that I am the most loving, caring, kind, affectionate person, that you’re doing your best?


Do you know the more you accept and Celebrate yourself, the more you become who you are….

The more you criticise yourself, the more you feel bad and guilty, the worse you become…

It’s Universal law. You attract more of who you think you are!

The journey of becoming the person you want to be, begins with accepting and celebrating who you are Right Now!

Here are some simple ways to celebrate who you are!


  1. Drop the perfectionist in you and embrace your flaws!

2. Learn to say No to things that doesn’t serve you anymore.


3. Make self-love and self-care your topmost priority!


Until you make self-care your topmost priority, you can’t truly take care of anyone else too.

4. Make a list of all things you love about yourself. Start appreciating yourself. Keep this list handy for low times.


5. Tame that inner critic who always puts you down. Turn this voice into a loving one. Talk to yourself the way you talk to a loved one.

6. Keep a distance from people who bring negativity to your world or who drain your energy.


7.Pay attention and bond with people who celebrates you!

Surround yourself with people who accept you, cherish you and uplift you.

8. Smile more! Laugh more! Play more!


Take life lightly and have some fun along this journey.

9. Last, but not the least, do something everyday that brings you joy…. whether it’s reading (that book on your list for long), journaling, buying yourself flowers, listening to your favourite songs, dance, call a friend, watch something you love on TV, or cook your favourite meal.


As you start celebrating yourself, you’ll feel more in power and in-charge of your life; and lesser impacted by the circumstances and people in your life.


So go ahead, celebrate yourself and people you love.


Share your experience with me at, I would love to hear from you.

To you!


Much love.

Saloni xoxo

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