Can Overthinking Make You Physically Sick?

There is a common misperception that women tend to overthink, but there’s evidence that both men and women overthink a lot, especially in modern times.


Overthinking is a common issue that I come across in my Coaching practice.


People don’t often come to their appointments saying, Saloni I am overthinking, please help me (though sometimes they do say this too.)


More often they say things like,

“I am too anxious.”

“I just can’t relax.”

“My mind doesn’t stop, even while I am asleep.”

“I can’t stop thinking about that incident at work or how I could’ve handled it better.”

“I can’t stop worrying about the decision I made if that’s the wrong decision.”

“I just don’t know how to shut off my mind.”


Does any of these resonate with you?

You are not alone!

The truth is overthinking itself is not a bad thing, only if we’re thinking the right things.

While we always tend to only overthink bad stuff, either dwelling on things that didn’t go well or fearing about the worst-case scenarios in the future.


“The trouble is, the unconscious parts of our brains don’t know the difference between “reality going on and imaginary thinking”.


So when these thoughts stress us out, our bodies register that threat as something happening in real and start showing the signs of distress.


Do you know how it impacts you? In many different ways.


Impact on your Mental health:-





The feeling of despair and excessive worry

Burn out

On our Physical health


Research shows that overthinking can lead to all sorts of physical issues like –

Disturbed immune system

Body Aches


Weakness and low energy

Stiffness in joints

Hormone imbalance

Even impact on cardiovascular health

Read in details about the impact of overthinking on the body here –


If you are already experiencing the side effects of overthinking and anxiousness on your body and mind or want to prevent yourself from this impact, it’s time to stop overthinking.


Are you ready to make a huge shift from overthinking to overcoming all mental and emotional challenges?


Learn to tap into your body. Become mindful.


Mindful eating, mindful resting, mindful fasting, mindful meditation…all these help you stop overthinking and live in the present moment.


If you want to get rid of your overthinking habit and achieve inner calm and peace.

Read my book link here:

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