When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Do you know how?


Good and bad, sweet and sour, success and failure; all are part of life. That’s all is – what is called life. We all know nothing stays forever.


Change is the only constant companion of our life. Our body, our mind and emotions keep on changing on a daily, rather on a moment to moment basis.


What is interesting is that we never resist or question when wonderful things happen in our life. We feel happy and thankful and get on with it.


But when difficulties come in life, can we still stay that powerful and not resist and question it? Can we still stay in a positive accepting mind frame and do the best we can do without falling to pieces? How to do that?


These simple mantras might help.


Surround yourself with positivity:

Make friends with positive people with positive mindset, listen to positive talks, uplifting songs and stay positive.


Invest in self-development: 

Your only true asset is YOU. Invest in your own development. Hire a professional life coach and through life coaching cultivate a positive and healthy mindset.


Practice mindfulness and presence:

Be mindful. Mindfulness is all about being aware of your thoughts and emotions and being conscious about your choices in life. It is about staying in the present moment and response calmly to every situation rather than react. Meditation, tapping and other spiritual practices can help in developing presence.


Take help of a professional:

If you’re going through any issues or challenges in life, take help of a qualified life coach or counsellor. Life coaching can help you take charge of your life and deal with any challenges you might have in your life whether it is in your health, career or relationships, personal or professional.


Add laughter to your life:

Be childlike. Do not take life so seriously. Add more and more laughter to your life everyday and see magic happening in your life naturally.


About blogger: Dr Saloni Singh is an author and Life coach, helping people for last 10 years to transform their lives positively.

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