How to accept that seems unacceptable?


How do I accept things which are completely unacceptable to me?

I get asked this question many times….

One of the biggest myths is that radical acceptance means agreeing with what happened.

People assume that acceptance is akin to approval.

If I accept what happened, that means I’m OK with it.

Then I approve of it.

Then I excuse the abuse.

I absolve the person who has hurt me, of all responsibility.

Then I allow anything. 

People will start taking undue advantage of me.

Walking all over me.

Then I can’t do anything to change it.

I keep wallowing and suffering.

*None of this is true.*

Radical acceptance doesn’t mean any of this. 

“It simply means that you are acknowledging the reality,”

You are acknowledging what happened or what’s currently happening. Because fighting the reality only intensifies our emotional reaction.

Acceptance begins when you think and say, this is happening or happened. Now how do I want to handle it?”

Acceptance is a very active process, and not about being passive or giving up.

It’s about channeling your energy into peace and ease, creating a shift or moving on.

Imagine who would you be if you accepted what seems unacceptable?


Much Love!


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