How You Start Your Day is How You Live Your Day

What is the first thought of your day?


The first feeling you have when you open your eyes in the morning?


The first expression on your face?


First gesture or movement of your body in the morning?


If you haven’t noticed before, it’s time to pay attention.

Your thoughts, feelings and the state you wake up with has the deepest impact on your whole day afterward, every single day…hence your whole life.

If you keep on hitting snooze and are not looking forward to your day…


If you are not as happy and peaceful as you would like to be…


If you feel stressed, low, overwhelmed and anxious most of the mornings, you need to change something.


Try this for 7 days and see what happens.

A simple morning ritual to start your day:


The moment you feel awake before you even open your eyes – Smile.


Yes. Give yourself a nice warm smile.


Let your smile be big and generous as if you are so happy to wake up and say – Good Morning, Your Name.


Savour the smile and bring your hand to your heart. Notice your heart has been pumping blood all night to keep you alive. Feel grateful for your heart.


Notice your breath. How naturally it was flowing when you were asleep. Feel grateful for your lungs, for the air you breathe.


Imagine a loving, healing light coming from above and passing through your head, face, neck, through your heart, lungs slowly and reaching all the organs of your body that work day and night to keep you healthy and alive.


Feel great for your body and grateful for all your organs and stretch.


Stretch fully your arms, legs, fingers and toes. Enjoy the stretch.


Then bring your knees to your chest to give your back a gentle massage.



Remember to say ‘Thank you’ for all the lovely people and things in your life (in your head or out loud).


Then get up from your bed, make your bed – it’s really important.


Go out in open space or to the balcony if you have one. Take a deep breath and set an ‘intention for the day’.


For example –

I am going to be relaxed/ happy/calm today.

I am going to have a fun day.

I’ll respond calmly to whatever comes my way.

Remind yourself of your intention throughout the day.

Think of one thing that you are looking forward to that day.


Once you freshen up, take at least 30 minutes to connect with yourself.

You can choose yoga, meditation, reading, journaling, affirmations or whatever helps you connect with yourself.


I love meditation, walk and journaling my thoughts first thing in the morning.


Prefer to do it in solitude rather than going to a gym or a place with other people, as external energies can impact you negatively.


When you feel connected to yourself (you will know this feeling, when you start to practice this), you are ready to begin your day.


Few things that are detrimental and have a very bad effect on your mornings.


Beware of them and avoid them at any cost.


Here’s a list of Don’ts:

Do not check social media or WhatsApp within at least one hour of waking up.

Keep your mobile phone out of your bedroom. Use an alarm clock instead of phone to put alarm.

Avoid Newspaper or online news in the morning. The afternoon is a better time if you have to.

Do not be tempted to look at or make a To-do list in the morning. Do it a night before.

No matter what, do not skip breakfast. If you are in a rush, fruits and nuts make a great breakfast on the go.




Be loving and kind.

Make others smile.

Conquer the world.


Have a great day!

How do you start your morning? If you have a special routine, share with me, I would love to know.

Much gratitude.

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