Slow Down To Accelerate In Life

With endless calls, emails, information, social media and other stuff fighting for our attention all the time, we are constantly playing catch-up in our daily lives.


One after the other activity, whether it’s work, leisure or managing a house and family, we are constantly on a run.


So much so that, to be able to just relax and take time out for self is a chore for most of us.


Then we wonder why are we getting overwhelmed, stressed and more anxious than never before.

One thing I know for sure is this – until we learn a lesson fully which is 100%, life keeps on giving us challenges (read opportunities) to learn that lesson.


For the last couple of months, I was going through a lot.


Health issues, many new challenging clients, training projects, family commitments, kids exams, and no time to pause.


I was feeling like losing balance in my work, family and friends time and spiritual practice.

Even during my meditation sitting, my mind was wandering like crazy.When I sat down to assess what’s going on, I realised I just needed to slow down and relax.


This one lesson I’ve surely learnt many times over and I still wonder if I’ve got it fully now.


I don’t know that but for sure, now I know that the solution of all this hustle bustle and chaos is pretty simple – SLOW DOWN.

“Any time, you feel like you’re losing balance, internally or externally in life, just do one thing – SLOW DOWN.”

Any time you’re feeling overwhelmed and not in control; Slow Down.

Any time things are not going the way you want them to be; Slow Down.

If you feel you’re losing your temper frequently and can’t control; Slow Down.

If you feel irritable, annoyed or upset in life; just Slow Down.

Any time you want more clarity or want to connect with your inner wisdom; Slow Down


Are you wondering how will slowing down help you with all this? You might fear that If you slow down, nothing would get done and others will take advantage of you.


Many people even think slowing down means not stretching yourself enough, not being a go-getter and not having fun.


No. The truth is quite the opposite.


Slowing down means, Pause. Reflect. Connect. Create space.


It means to be able to feel your own self, your emotions fully.


Connect with your intuition and become self-aware, by bringing more presence to everything you do.


Slowing down means –


Take time for yourself so you are able to see the bigger picture and your real priorities.


Go deeper within, to be able to connect with your higher vision & purpose in life and then align yourself with that purpose.


Slowing down also means to be able to see things from all perspectives.


To access your own wisdom and highest potential.


It also means not to take impulsive decisions and not react emotionally at every trigger that’s been thrown at you.


In a world where everyone from motivational speakers to high achievers, are asking you to hustle, just go and get it, chase your dreams with full speed; you must listen to the voice within.


Slow down.

And here’s why?


Your outer world is a pure reflection of your inner world.


Your inner clarity, inner peace and calm create a beautiful world around you.


When you’re connected with your higher self, and if you’re faced with difficult challenges (as we all do), you handle that with calmness and strength.


While, if you are on the run, even little triggers and stresses of daily life overwhelms you, puts you off the track.


Running on the mill in the rat race sucks the life force and joyful energy from you and leave you irritable, tired and snappy.


It’s about how you approach a task.


Rushing is a Rage.


Whether you are going towards your car for office, going to a grocery shop or gym, dropping kids to a class or preparing a presentation, slow down a little. Be gentle.

Take time to smile and watch your child. Notice your car.

Multitasking robs you of your gentle presence and mindfulness. Stop multitasking.

Today, move through your day gently. Tread lightly, slow down.


If you’re driving to work, breathe deeply listening to the music and sing along. Stay in the slow Lane.


If you’re cooking, smell the aroma of food, enjoy the beautiful colours and shapes and rejoice in the process.


No rush, no hurry, no need to push to make things happen.


Your mind would debate against it, but resist the temptation to rush and bring grace.


Glide ever so gently through every hour as it unfolds.


You don’t need to control anything.

All you need to do is, be present with your wholeness.

When you try to control and rush things, you disconnect with yourself…and the harmony with life is lost.

Slow Down.

2 thoughts on “Slow Down To Accelerate In Life”

  1. There is really no need to rush things.
    We are passengers in the journey of life.
    And this journey is of self discovery and our transition from a baby to an old person.this change will happen,how fully we acknowledge this change and our emotional maturing as it happens; is what we need to watch for.
    Or we will just float through life and leave the world with out having Lived.

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