How To Train Your Inner Dragon And Achieve your life goals

Have you ever come out of a meeting hearing a voice, ” How could I act so stupid there?” Or “Why didn’t I put my point of view assertively?” Or worse, “I should not have opened my mouth.”


This is none else but your inner voice which keeps on telling you how you could have done better  as a professional, parent or spouse or why you are not smart enough or good enough.


What do you do when you hear that voice? If you try to avoid or resist it, it becomes even louder.


Many times in the life, this voice stops you from doing what you feel is your purpose or calling, because it tells you that you are not yet ready or experienced enough.


Do not worry; you are not alone. All human beings (however successful) have this inner critic, but their ability to transform and align it with their higher purpose, determines their actions and results in life.

The Process of training your inner dragon is a path of self-discovery and involves these 4 steps:


# Identify and Acknowledge

First of all, become aware of this voice and really get to know it.

What is this voice saying? Whose voice is this -Your own, your parent/s, a teacher or someone else? How is its tone?

Acknowledge the voice by giving attention and really listening to it. You can give it a name too.


# Notice the Impact 

What impact this voice have on you? Does it trigger a negative thought process? Does it make you feel low or bad about yourself?

Sometimes instead of a voice, it might only be a bad feeling, recognise this feeling. Where is it in your body?

Does this voice / feeling stop you from taking an action? Or let you indulge into an unwanted behaviour, like binge eating / smoking, not focussing on important work and checking your facebook page yet again.

Become aware of its effect on you.


# Find its Purpose

Your inner voice is actually a part of your subconscious mind and wants only good for you, like a strict parent who scolds child for their own good.

Make your mind still and listen; ask the voice what is its higher purpose? May be it wants to keep you safe by avoiding risks or setbacks, maybe it is trying to warn you of any challenges.

Listen carefully and check if there is any useful truth or facts to consider.


# Make friends with your Dragon

Now you know your inner critic’s purpose, thank it for its concern. Share your goals and higher purpose with it (write or speak out loud). Reassure it  for its concerns and tell that you’ll be safe.

Ask for its support like encouragement or cheering for you, when you take action to fulfil your purpose or dreams.

Remember, it is not a one time process. Your inner critic will keep on popping up every time you do something new or come out of your comfort zone. It will need your compassionate listening and understanding always.


Share your experience of training your inner dragon with me.


Much love.

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