Expanding the Clock: Transforming Your Relationship with Time

There was a time in my life when I used to get overwhelmed with my To-Do lists. My relationship with time wasn’t healthy.

There was so much to do but never enough time to complete all the tasks.

I wasn’t able to take time out for myself, for my hobbies or even going out with friends, to just relax and do nothing.


I realized that my mental chatter kept saying – I have too little time, I’m so occupied, too busy and this became my story. Until I realized that how I feel about my life, my work and time is related to my relationship with time. I was feeling time scarcity.


Have you ever wondered if your time is scarce or abundant?


Think if you feel you have enough free time and are relaxed most of the time? Or are you always on the run, rushing through things, not able to complete tasks and find yourself too busy?


I created some deep shifts that transformed my relationship with time and magically time expanded for me…


Here’s how…


I understood my relationship with time.
I took a moment to ponder upon the following questions: Do I feel I have enough time to do everything I desire? Am I able to prioritize self-care, rest, and relaxation? If I feel that time loves me, listens to me, and treats me with respect and care, then I am in a time-abundant state. On the other hand, if I constantly feel overwhelmed and unable to accomplish all that you desire, then I may be experiencing time scarcity.


I recognized the Ripple Effect.
It’s important to acknowledge that our relationship with time extends beyond just the hours in a day. Time scarcity often correlates with scarcity in other aspects of life, such as money, wealth, health, and relationships. The famous adage, “Scarcity begets scarcity and abundance begets abundance,” holds true here. By cultivating time abundance, I opened myself up to the possibility of abundance in other areas of my life as well.


I took responsibility.
Rather than blaming external circumstances, work, or family obligations, it’s crucial to recognize that our mindset and approach to time play a significant role. Each one of us has the same 24 hours in a day, whether we are the President or a world-renowned artist. It ultimately boils down to how intentional we are in nurturing our relationship with time and how respectfully we utilize each moment.


I transitioned from Scarcity to Abundance.
Moving from a time-scarce mindset to a time-abundant one requires conscious effort and commitment.



Here are some strategies that can help:


Laser Focus on Your Higher Purpose and Goals:
Identify your higher purpose and set clear goals in life. By aligning your actions with your purpose, you naturally veer away from distractions and time-wasting activities.


Stepping Out of the Rat Race:
Embrace the realization that life is not a race, and you are not merely a participant chasing after empty victories. By detaching from the rat race mentality, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with time and prioritize what truly matters.


Intentionality and Mindfulness:
Approach your daily activities with intention and mindfulness. Be fully present in each moment, whether you’re working on professional tasks or performing household chores. By infusing each activity with purpose and mindfulness, you can derive more satisfaction from the time spent.


Finding Joy in Work:
Strive to make your work enjoyable and fulfilling. Seek ways to inject creativity, passion, and fun into your tasks. By reframing your perspective, even the most mundane activities can become sources of inspiration and fulfillment.


Prioritizing Self-Care and Recreation:
Allocate regular time for self-care, relaxation, and leisure activities. Whether it’s taking a solitary walk in nature, journaling, engaging in a hobby, or socializing with loved ones, make time for activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.


Embracing Solitude:
Carve out moments of silence and solitude in your daily routine. Use this time to reflect, meditate, or simply be present with yourself. Solitude allows you to gain clarity, recharge, and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self.


Cultivating Belief in Time’s Abundance:
Develop a profound belief that time loves you and is abundantly available to fulfill your desires. By fostering a positive mindset and affirming that you have all the time you need, you attract more opportunities and experiences that align with your desires.



I have realized that my relationship with time is a reflection of my mindset, intentions, and commitments. By adopting a time-abundant approach, I can transcend the limitations of time scarcity and embrace a fulfilling existence. Remember, you have the power to shape your relationship with time and create a life that is rich in experiences, purpose, and joy. Take the first step today by setting your intention and committing to a harmonious relationship with time.


If you have any doubts or questions regarding how to become time-rich, feel free to directly message me. Together, let’s embark on a journey towards time abundance. 🙂

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